Our Services

Air Freight
With so many alternatives available, customers benefit by speaking directly to a service advisor who will be able to ...

Sea Freight
With a wide network of our offices, Kemostar can offer inbound and outbound services to and from anywhere in the world.

Surface Logistics
We offers a wide range of surface logistics services. Our Projects & Surface Logistics department can offer international ...

Fairs & Events Logistics
Kemostar Logistics ltd staff have a wide experience in handling cargo for exhibitions and various sports and cultural events.
We're an internationally recognized Freight Forwarding Company offering transportation and logistics services.
Latest News

Logistics Advisory Market Research by Business Analysis, 2022-2028
MarketsandResearch.biz has added an exhaustive research study of Global Logistics Advisory Market Outlook from 2022 to 2028 discourses numerous driving factors or restraining the market

Fight against blue economy threats earns Kenya friends
Illegal fishing, ocean pollution, climate change, ocean noise and ship strikes are some of the threats to the blue economy that Kenya and other countries

Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico relaxes rules on foreign tankers
The Biden administration has approved a “temporary and targeted” Jones Act waiver to boost fuel supplies to hurricane-battered Puerto Rico. But supporters of the law